

Landscape Assessment of Financial Flows: Lessons learned from pilot implementation


Authors: Bas Louman, Seth Shames, Gabija Pamerneckyte, Mercy Owusu Ansah and Irene Koesoetjahjo

General - 2020

Language: English


Collaborative landscape initiatives demonstrate enormous potential to mobilize stakeholders across sectors, supporting them to work together on shared objectives. This meets a wide range of human needs, economic goals and ecosystem objectives. However, implementing these partnerships is challenging. Perspectives, values and ways of working differ greatly among partners; in many cases there is a legacy of misunderstanding and distrust. Strategies and tools are needed to overcome the resulting tendency for stalemate and conflict.

To support these landscape initiatives, Tropenbos International and EcoAgriculture Partners jointly developed in 2018 the Landscape Assessment of Financial Flows (LAFF) methodology. This practical two-phase approach helps stakeholders identify local sources of finance for new investment ideas, determine which current financial flows are most in need of transformation, and better understand the elements of a landscape’s financial context.

Between November 2018 and August 2019, pilot projects were implemented in Indonesia and Ghana. In this publication lessons learned from the pilots are presented and the following questions are addressed:

  • does the LAFF methodology meet its objectives?
  • what aspects of the methodology could be improved?
  • are the results of LAFF implementation useful for the development of strategies that will lead to greater positive impacts by new or existing investments on the landscape objectives? 

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