Maria Clara van der Hammen

Project coordinator Tropenbos Colombia

Foto Joost van Montfort .jpgMaria Clara van der Hammen is project coordinator at Tropenbos Colombia, where she plays a crucial role in fostering inclusive dialogue and empowering local communities. She ensures that through projects with local communities, not only their territorial governance is enhanced but also they gain the confidence to participate actively at both regional and national levels.

At Tropenbos Colombia, Maria Clara has led initiatives that amplify the voices of women, addressing their unique challenges, and unlocking their potential. She has also championed projects that promote intercultural education and preserve cultural heritage. With her expertise in participatory methodologies, Maria Clara empowers local communities to share their knowledge, making it visible and invaluable for decision making processes, both within their communities and in collaboration with other stakeholders.

As a member of the Tropenbos International network, Maria Clara is actively involved in working groups that integrate gender and youth perspectives across projects, driving transformative change. Her contributions also include addressing issues such as conflict resolution, gender-based violence, governance, and the community management of forests.

With a background as a cultural anthropologist, she has taught and conducted research at universities in Colombia and the Netherlands. Her academic focus spans undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral programs, prioritizing traditional and local knowledge systems, productive practices, territorial management, and cultural heritage.

In addition to her work with Tropenbos Colombia, Maria Clara serves on scientific committees and advisory boards for NGOs, the Alexander von Humboldt Institute, and the Colombian Ministry of Culture, Art, and Knowledge.

She has authored a variety of publications covering topics such as indigenous environmental management, traditional knowledge, intercultural education, socio-environmental networks, collective action, governance, and the intersection of gender and environmental management.
